Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Mechanics for Identifying Top eMentor Scholars

The primary purpose of the IBM eMentor Scholarship Program’s is to propagate and disseminate models of practice in technology integration; as such recognition of effective and appropriate use of educational technology tools as a means to enhance and improve educational results in their respective schools is imperative.

Because of the comprehensive process that is followed by the proponents in selecting and developing IBM eMentors, the following offers a mechanism for identifying top eMentors as it provides direction for teachers to understand what is expected of them.

Selection Criteria

The eMentors’ performance and effectiveness in the use of educational technology will be assessed in order to identify the Top IBM eMentors.

IBM eMentor Assessment Form. The IBM eMentor Assessment Form would be utilized to measure and track teachers’ performance and effectiveness during the program implementation period. It is comprised of appropriate rubrics that were prepared for specific indicators; the rubrics will serve as the primary performance measurement indicators to determine the eMentors’ success in the practice of the professional use of educational technology. The form is focused on the following domains:

1. Development and Implementation of ICT-Enabled Instructional Materials (50%)
2. Re-Echo Training (30%)
3. Teacher Collaboration (20%)

For the teacher evaluation to be more participatory, eMentors will be asked to rate himself/herself using the tool; eMentors will also be rated by representatives of EduQuest, GEM, and IBM utilizing the same tool.

eMentor’s Portfolio. eMentors are required to prepare their teacher portfolio in consultation with an EduQuest Instruction Specialist; the teacher portfolio will be submitted as proof of practice. The portfolio demonstrates the eMentor’s accomplishments and highlights his/her competencies as it is a diversified sample of a best works during the program implementation period.

eMentor Observation. For purposes of teacher evaluation, each eMentor must be observed in an instructional setting. The observation results and feedback would serve as a guide in validating information acquired from the IBM eMentor Assessment Form and eMentor Observation.

The aforementioned mechanics draws on the practice of the teacher during the program implementation period to ascertain the development in the eMentor’s competencies and to review their experience gained from the program. It is designed not only to encourage professional growth, but also to identify and validate already effective instructional practices utilizing educational technology.

The IBM eMentor Assessment Form can be downloaded from the eMentor yahoo group,

Sir Meoh

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